Delphi edit and input components

ADCALC.ZIP TAdrockCalcEdit Version 1.00 Use a TAdrockCalcEdit component to put an enhanced edit control on your form. The TAdrockCalcEdit control is used to retrieve numbers from the end user. The edit control inputs data depending on the setting of the property Alignment When the edit control does not have the focus it will display the number in the format given by the DisplayValueFormat property. You can set different colors for the displayed number depending if the number is Positive, Negative, or zero.
ADDIALOG.ZIP TAdrockMessageDialog The TAdrockMessageDialog routines provide additional functions to the standard Delphi routines, ShowMessage and MessageDlg. Any default button (if you wanted to ask "Do you really want to format the hard disk?", the Delphi control will always display "Yes" as the default - but you don't want to re-phrase the question (it'll just never sound right).
CBPLUS32.ZIP The DBComboBoxPlus & ComboBoxPlus Components (ver 3.0) A TDBComboBoxPlus component is a data-aware combo box control. It allows the user to change the value of the field of the current record in a data set either by selecting an item from a list or by typing in the edit box part of the control. The selected item or entered text becomes the new value of the field if the database combo box's ReadOnly property is False. The TDBComboBoxPlus component combines an edit box similar to a TDBEdit component with a drop-down string grid list that enables a user to pick from a predefined set of values.
CUTPASTE.ZIP TCutPaste component Use TCutPaste component for Borland Delphi 1.0 to implement Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo editing features for the controls on a form. By dropping this non-visual component on a form or a MDI form, all the controls on the form and all MDI child forms will each respond to the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo methods of this component.
CYBTREAL.ZIP CYBTREAL Component The CYBTREAL component is specially adapted for editing real numbers, but particularly real numbers that represent measurements. CYBTReal understands different kinds of measuring parameters, and can automatically convert between various units of measure. Written by Boris Ingram
DEDSPIN.ZIP TSpinDblEdit and TDBSpinDblEdit Version 1.5e Delphi 1-3 / C++Builder VCL-Components. with these components you can cover all numerical entryfields in your application and so you achieve an uniform formatted outward shape of your application. Features: - Formatted numerical entry ( like dBase or CodeBase Controls) - Calculator with free userdefined DigitsNo - Spin with free userdefined increment - DigitsNo - ThousandSeparator - Different negative Color, FontColor
DOLEDIT1.ZIP The DOL_EDIT.PAS file contains the source code for the dollar edit component. This component will be very useful if you write any business, financial, or accounting applications. What follows is a list of properties (in addition to the ones supported by TEdit), and functionality associated with TDollarEdit: (Delphi)
DTMFEDIT.ZIP TColumnsDataSource Component The purpose of this component is to allow applications to easily incorporate a phone number field that will convert alpha characters into their numeric equivelent on the phone dial-pad.
EDIT11.ZIP K&j edit controls version 1.1 Are a set of (4) edit controls (KJEdit, KJDBEdit, KJMemo and KJDBMemo) that allow the developer to change the disabled style of each control. No longer are you limited to just the dreary Windows gray - some new styles include cross-hatch, diagonal and vertical lines (you must see to really appreciate). Also, the developer now has the ability to modify the foreground and background colors as the user enters and exits each respective component. No serious data entry application should be without K&J Edit Controls!
EDITCOMB.ZIP Combo edit Component Delphi lacks a number of Combobox components to make life more pleasant for the programmer. One of them is a combo that can be attached to both a lookup table/query and appears to be an edit box while the table to which it connected is not in edit mode. Once in edit mode, the edit box changed into a combo box. This allows the programmer to make screens, that display information about i.e. selected persons or departments, without the annoying presence of the combo button. It also allows for lookup facilities in a combo, without attaching to a datasource.
INCEVAL.ZIP The Incremental Combo Collection Is a set of four Quicken style incremental combo boxes that are the most advanced combo boxes of its type available for Delphi and C++ Builder. This is the only set that will automatically place themselves within a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid automatically and offers full support for TQuery.
INCEVLIP.ZIP The Incremental Combo Collection is a set of four Quicken style incremental combo boxes that are the most advanced combo boxes of its type available for Delphi and C++ Builder. This is the only set that will automatically place themselves within a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid automatically and offers full support for TQuery.
LEDIT108.ZIP LEdit V1.08 (Shareware package) LEdit DLL is a large edit control that may edit texts more than 64K and also has a lot of interesting features. LEdit is a DLL that provides the most powerful Edit component available. Programmers can use it in any programming environment that can use Dynamic Link Libraries.
LTNUME.ZIP LTNumEdt I wrote this component from scratch 'cause I didn't feel comfortable using the maskedit for numeric-only input.
MEMO.ZIP TMymemo, memopad component
NDGAUG11.ZIP N&D Gauge / ver. 1.1 Native Delphi VCL Tired of the plain Gauge Component that comes with Delphi? Want something that looks better? Look no more! N&D Gauge uses "lights" to show you where your percentage is at. Choose between 10, yes 10 different shapes for the lights (rectangle, triangle, arrow, etc.) Show caption and percentage selectively. Apply a raised or lowered effect to the caption, percentage or even the lights! Delphi 1.0 & 2.0 included. Includes demo application.
NEWEDIT.ZIP TNewEdit Is a sub class of TEdit with a new published property "Alignment". This new property offers centre, left and right alignment for both input and diplaying.
POPUPBOX.ZIP PopupBox v3.2, a component for Delphi 2,3 and Borland C++Builder Is a replacement for ComboBox and DBComboBox. It has a smart looking 3D-Style and many properties to control appearance and behavior.
RSEDIT.ZIP TrsSuperEdit Component The TrsSuperEdit component from RealSoft is a multipurpose masked edit control. It includes special handling for Text, Real, Integer, Dollar, Percent, Date, Time, Phone and more. The numeric values can be right justified, even while editing. ReadOnly or Disabled edit can be made gray. In addition, rsSuperEdit provides easy access properties to multiple data types.
RSEDIT32.ZIP TrsSuperEdit Component (32bit) The TrsSuperEdit component from RealSoft is a multipurpose masked edit control. It includes special handling for Text, Real, Integer, Dollar, Percent, Date, Time, Phone and more. The numeric values can be right justified, even while editing. ReadOnly or Disabled edit can be made gray. In addition, rsSuperEdit provides easy access properties to multiple data types.
TMKEDITS.ZIP TmkExtEdit-Component, text edit components for Delphi
XALIASCB.ZIP This is a Delphi 2.0 component that build a combobox in that all the defined BDE alias are displayed and one can be selected. Also there exist a filter that only display the BDE aliases for one driver (for example only the Interbase aliases)

Delphi file components

AWKD3.ZIP TAwk for Delphi 3 Is a Delphi component which provides the same functionality as the VsAwk vbx for Visual Basic. It allows you to quickly scan and parse text or text files. In addition it provides a Like method which is similar in function to the Like operator in Visual Basic which is used for pattern matching. TAwk is great for projects where you need to import csv files into your application.
BRWSFLDR.ZIP TBrowseFolder Component Native Delphi component that encapsulates the SHBrowseForFolder interface, which allows Win32 users to select a directory using the standard shell dialog. In addition, TBrowseFolder allows the developer to add a custom button to the dialog. This feature allows you to extend the features of the shell and is found exclusively in this component.
CGPIPRED.ZIP File Label Adjuster"component for Delphi32. Display a filename with path and drive letter on a label without without cutting the filename. If the width of the label is too small TFileLabel hide some directories and replace them by '...'.
DELZIP11.ZIP Delphi Zip/Unzip Package, v1.10 For Delphi v2+ Contains VCLs, examples, and DLLs for Delphi v2. Gives your programs full support for PKZIP v2.04g compatible file compression/expansion. 100% Freeware. Based largely on the InfoZip project.
DRIVEBAR.ZIP TDrivesBar Component A panel showing all drives connected to a system, Replacement for standard DriveComboBox.
DROPFILE.ZIP TDropFile Component for Delphi v2.0 TDropFile is a component for Delphi v2.0 which supports file drag-and-drop operations on a form. Details of its properties, events and sample usage can be found in the DROPFILE.RTF file.
DZDLLSR1.ZIP Delphi Zip v1.10 DLL Source Code
EXECFI32.ZIP TExecFile Component v2.0 for Delphi 2.0 32-bit The TExecFile is a non-visual component which you place onto your form to enable easily initiated execution of other Windows or DOS applications from within your own original Delphi application. This is the third release of the TExecFile and is designed for use with Delphi 2.0 in 32-bit applications designed to run in Windows 95/NT or Win32s environments.
EXECFILE.ZIP TExecFile v1.1 The TExecFile is a non-visual component which you place onto your form to enable easily initiated execution of other Windows or DOS applications from within your own original Delphi application.
FCOPY16.ZIP File copy component. You can write your particular installation application. This sample project is provided to show you how easy and fun could be copying files.
FILECPSW.ZIP TFileCopy component copies files. This component is very configurable. It has the ability to copy multiple files to a directory. Each of the source filenames can contain wild cards. It contains built in messages that are presented in message dialog boxes.
FILEDEMO.ZIP TFileInfo Component demo program
FILEFI_1.ZIP TFileFind Component (Delphi3) Find those files really fast with TFileFind. No more tedious recursive code. Just set the filename property to the file your looking for (accepts wildcards too!) and execute a method to immediately locate the file. TFileFind can find first, subsequent or ALL occurences of a file.
FILEHIST.ZIP TFileHist v1.0 - VCL Component for Delphi 2.0 The TFileHist component features a number of functions to present a list of recently opened files in an application.
FINDDEMO.ZIP TFileFind Component demo program
FINFO.ZIP TFileInfo type The TFileInfo type extends the properties of the TSearchRec type to include explicit properties for the Drive letter, the Path only (i.e. path WITHOUT drive letter), the file Extension, and the FullPath. Additionally the Exists Property indicates whether or not a file exists in the current directory. The standard properties of a TSearchRec type are accessed as properties of a TFileInfo type variables as the Name, Time, Size, and Attr properties, except that Time is returned as a type TDateTime.
FINFOD3.ZIP TFileInfo Component (Delpi 3) Use the TFileInfo when you need to know things like: * How many files in a directory ? * How many files in a directory and all subdirectories in the tree ? * What is their total size ? * How many toplevel directories on this disk ? * How many subdirectories in this directory ? * What's the disk size ? * AND MORE !
FINFODEM.ZIP TFileInfo Component demo program
FM2_216.ZIP TFileHist v1.0 - VCL Component for Delphi 2.0 The TFileHist component features a number of functions to present a list of recently opened files in an application.
FPARSE12.ZIP TFParse Delphi Component, version 1.2 The TFParse Delphi component makes it easy to parse words from files, strings, or PChars. It allows you to carefully define what makes a word and what words will be parsed. TFParse makes it easy to perform tasks like indexing words for full text search and retrieval applications. Source included. Example program included. Help files included.
LZRW1K.ZIP Tlzrw1 : compression component with LZH and LZRW1/KH compression
TAWK16.ZIP TAwk Component Version 2.0 (16-bit) This is a new and improved version of the original TAwk component. TAwk parses text and text files. Put an end to parsing code forever ! TAwk also includes a pattern matching function much like the 'Like' operator in Visual Basic which searches text based on a given pattern of text and/or wildcards. If you need to import csv or other delimited files into your Delphi application, TAwk will be a great timesaver. Registration gets you the full source code.
TAWK32.ZIP TAwk Component Version 2.0 (32-bit) This is a new and improved version of the original TAwk component. TAwk parses text and text files. Put an end to parsing code forever ! TAwk also includes a pattern matching function much like the 'Like' operator in Visual Basic which searches text based on a given pattern of text and/or wildcards. If you need to import csv or other delimited files into your Delphi application, TAwk will be a great timesaver. Registration gets you the full source code.
TFILE16.ZIP TFileFind Component (16-bit, Delphi1) Find those files really fast with TFileFind. No more tedious recursive code. Just set the filename property to the file your looking for (accepts wildcards too!) and execute a method to immediately locate the file. TFileFind can find first, subsequent or ALL occurences of a file.
TFILE32.ZIP TFileFind Component (32-bit, Delphi2) Find those files really fast with TFileFind. No more tedious recursive code. Just set the filename property to the file your looking for (accepts wildcards too!) and execute a method to immediately locate the file. TFileFind can find first, subsequent or ALL occurences of a file.
TFIND16.ZIP TFindText Component (16-bit, Delphi-1) Quickly Search files for a text string with TFindText. This component supports case sensitive searches and reports the position of the target text within the file. Note: The demo program illustrates the use of the TFileFind and TFindText components to search an entire disk for all files containing a target text string.
TFIND32.ZIP TFindText Component (32-bit, Delphi-2) Quickly Search files for a text string with TFindText. This component supports case sensitive searches and reports the position of the target text within the file. Note: The demo program illustrates the use of the TFileFind and TFindText components to search an entire disk for all files containing a target text string.
TFINFO16.ZIP TFileInfo Component (Delphi-1, 16-bit) Use the TFileInfo when you need to know things like: * How many files in a directory ? * How many files in a directory and all subdirectories in the tree ? * What is their total size ? * How many toplevel directories on this disk ? * How many subdirectories in this directory ? * What's the disk size ? * AND MORE !
TFINFO32.ZIP TFileInfo Component (Delphi-2, 32-bit) Use the TFileInfo when you need to know things like: * How many files in a directory ? * How many files in a directory and all subdirectories in the tree ? * What is their total size ? * How many toplevel directories on this disk ? * How many subdirectories in this directory ? * What's the disk size ? * AND MORE !
TZIPVIEW.ZIP TZipView 0.3 Beta Zip file viewer for Delphi 1.xx VCL component This component is a simple solution to view the contents of a .zip file. The component is small and easy to use. It's possible to view the .zip file even at design time. (Like TFileListbox)
UBK1632.ZIP UBackup Component v2.90A Native Delphi component that will take the pain out of backing up your application and data. Just drop this component on your form, set some of its properties and with one line of code you have a complete backup to any drive you like.
UUEASY.ZIP UUEasy for DELPHI TUUEncode/TUUDecode VCLs (Delphi-1) UUEasy supports Base64 UUEncoding and Decoding. UUEasy supports multiple encoding and decoding of binary files to/from a single UUE file. It's quick and easy to use. Simply drop a UUEncode component onto a form, specify the file to Encode and the resulting UUE file name, call hte EncodeFile method and wallh! Instant UUE! Decoding is just as simple. UUEasy can help make your programs internet ready in minutes!
UUEASY32.ZIP UUEasy for DELPHI TUUEncode/TUUDecode VCLs (Delphi-2) UUEasy supports Base64 UUEncoding and Decoding. UUEasy supports multiple encoding and decoding of binary files to/from a single UUE file. It's quick and easy to use. Simply drop a UUEncode component onto a form, specify the file to Encode and the resulting UUE file name, call hte EncodeFile method and wallh! Instant UUE! Decoding is just as simple. UUEasy can help make your programs internet ready in minutes!
WCSDCDIR.ZIP Woodstock Computer Solutions Delphi components *TWCSDIRSEARCH delphi components. -A recursive directory searcher with events on finding files -or subdirectories, and a completion event. -The properties and methods are described in the "dsAbout" -property (click the three dots or press Ctrl-Enter when -highlighted. -*TDIRDIALOG -This is just a wrapper for the "SELECTDIRECTORY" procedure, -but helps to keep things consistent with TFileOpenDialog etc. -To use it, just call the "Execute" method exactly as with other -file dialogs, which will return true if a valid directory is -selected. If "Execute" returns "True", the "Directory" property -contains the selected directory (WITHOUT trailing backslashes).
VISAWK16.ZIP TVisAwk Component Version 3.0 ! (16-bit, Delphi-1) TVisAwk is a visual text / text file parsing and pattern matching component which allows you to give the user visual feedback during lengthy file parsing jobs. The visual mode is also great for debugging without resorting to the debug and watch windows. You can now search a file for an occurrence of a pattern that includes wildcards. The visual display includes step, pause, resume and run to end and replay modes and also supports output file creation for exporting data to other applications. Registered users get the full source code. Registration fee $ 40 gets you full source code, free technical support and automatic notification of new updates. If you registered TAwk before March 31, 1996, you can upgrade for only $10 US. 16-bit and 32-bit versions.
VISAWK32.ZIP TVisAwk Component Version 3.0 ! (32-bit, Delphi-2) TVisAwk is a visual text / text file parsing and pattern matching component which allows you to give the user visual feedback during lengthy file parsing jobs. The visual mode is also great for debugging without resorting to the debug and watch windows. You can now search a file for an occurrence of a pattern that includes wildcards. The visual display includes step, pause, resume and run to end and replay modes and also supports output file creation for exporting data to other applications. Registered users get the full source code. Registration fee $ 40 gets you full source code, free technical support and automatic notification of new updates. If you registered TAwk before March 31, 1996, you can upgrade for only $10 US. 16-bit and 32-bit versions.
VISDEMO.ZIP TVisAwk Component Version 3.0 demo program
VSAWKD3.ZIP TVisAwk Component Version 3.0 ! (32-bit, Delphi-3) TVisAwk is a visual text / text file parsing and pattern matching component which allows you to give the user visual feedback during lengthy file parsing jobs. The visual mode is also great for debugging without resorting to the debug and watch windows. You can now search a file for an occurrence of a pattern that includes wildcards. The visual display includes step, pause, resume and run to end and replay modes and also supports output file creation for exporting data to other applications. Registered users get the full source code. Registration fee $ 40 gets you full source code, free technical support and automatic notification of new updates. If you registered TAwk before March 31, 1996, you can upgrade for only $10 US. 16-bit and 32-bit versions.
WUSTUB01.ZIP Wustub 0.1 - a 32 Bit dos- extender stub for borland delphi 2. WUSTUB enables you to load a PE executable (the executable format used in 32 bit versions of Windows) from plain DOS and from most DOS- boxes of today's operating systems. However, it doesn't fully replace the Win32- API.

Delphi form components

ADSAVFRM.ZIP TAdrockFormPosition Use a TAdrockFormPosition component when you need to save the position and size of a form. The component now saves the state of the window as well. This means that a Maximized window can be restored maximized. You can not save the state of a window that is minimized. There is no limit to the number of the TAdrockFormPosition components used in a single project. To use this control just drop on your form, set the name of an INI file to write the settings to and set the section name property. The section name property defines the name of the section that gets written to in the INI file.
ADSFRM32.ZIP Adrock Software SaveForm Component The TAdrockFormPosition Control allows you to save the size and position of a form. No coding required, just set two properties and you are done.
FLYDEMO.ZIP Fly Controls V2.0 For Delphi 16 / 32 Were designed as a solution to the problem of resource consumption on large Delphi forms. This component set contains 12 new VCL components that can be used in place of standard Delphi Components. Using Fly Controls on a large form can reduce the amount of lost user resources up to 90%. There are a few trade-offs, including some flickering during painting, and GDI resource usage, however these are minor compared to 'Error Creating Window' or an 'EOutOfResources' error. GDI resources are much more plentiful.. you will notice an immediate speed increase when you ease the user resource strain.
FORMFNP.ZIP TFnpForm / TFnpFormProp VCL-components for Borland Delphi 2.0 TFnpForm is derived from TForm. It has all the features of TForm plus it can save its size/position/state to the registry when it is destroyed, read it again when it is created and has automatic support for min/max sizes.
FORMPARS.ZIP Delphi Form Parser V1.0 The form parser is of most use to a Delphi component author. You have probably received a new component that needed a .DFM (form file) to go along with it. You may have also lost the DFM file, rendering the component useless without it.
MINMAX.ZIP TMinMax This VCL allows the user to easily set the minimum and maximum tracking sizes of their forms by intercepting the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message. The WM_GETMINMAXINFO message is sent to a window whenever Windows needs the maximized position or dimensions of the window or needs the maximum or minimum tracking size of the window.
PLACEMNT.ZIP TPlacement Component version 1.0 The TPlacement component helps to automate the saving and restoring of TForm positions and WindowState properties. You can drop the TPlacement component onto any form, and specify to which .INI file and section the TPlacement component is to store window positions & state. Place calls to the component's Read method to set the Form's placement in either the Form's OnCreate or OnShow event handers. Call the Write method on the Form's OnDestroy method to save the Forms placement to the .INI file.
RESIZER.ZIP ResizerPanel v2.0 The TResizerPanel component keeps the childs controls proportionally resized to the panel, independently of any user resizing. With this you can easily deploy applications which resize to the actual screen resolution. All original VCL components are perfectly resized by adjusting not only its size, but every other properties that define screen dimensions. You can resize has many times as you want and for whatever dimensions you want without losing the original position of the components. No special coding needed.
RESIZWND.ZIP RESIZWND.PAS This cOmponent allows control of a Form with style bsSizeable to have the Minumum and Maximum sizes controlled by the developer.
RSFORMG.ZIP TrsFormGrow Component The TrsFormGrow is a component designed to automatically resize components as the size of your form changes due to screen resolution or maximizing. Unlike using form scaling or scaleby methods, the rsFormGrow preserves fonts and other attributes that would normally produce unappealing results. If the AutoInit property is set to true, whatever size the form and components are when the program is first run will be stored as the "base sizes".
RSFORMP.ZIP Form Parser By default Delphi generates a resource file, or Delphi Form File (.dfm) which accompanies a form created using the Delphi editor. Having the form in the resource eliminates much of the overhead and work required when programmatically creating the form. The need to eliminate the outside resource file (the .dfm) is most easily realized by component authors distributing source code.
RSFRMG32.ZIP TrsFormGrow Component Description The TrsFormGrow is a component designed to automatically resize components as the size of your form changes due to screen resolution or maximizing. Unlike using form scaling or scaleby methods, the rsFormGrow preserves fonts and other attributes that would normally produce unappealing results. If the AutoInit property is set to true, whatever size the form and components are when the program is first run will be stored as the "base sizes". To initialize manually, call the Init method. If the AutoGrow property is true, your components will resize whenever the form size changes. To grow manually, call the Grow method. To resize grid columns as well, such as DBGrids or stringgrids, set the AutoGrid property to true.
RULER.ZIP Ruler, Version 1.0 The purpose of this component is to allow applications to easily incorporate a ruler into your application.
SCALER.ZIP Scaler object This object scales in run-time the form that it is placed on, based on the current setting of the screen resolution. It also performs a post scaling of Grids and TTabbedNotebooks, to correct for inconsistencies between the variable (=font size) and fixed part of these components (lines, scrollbars, indicators etc) Two versions are available: TScaler and TDBscaler. The last one has extra knowledge about scaling the TDBGrid component.

Delphi Grid components

ADSAVGRD.ZIP TAdrockSaveGrid Version (Delphi 2,3) Use a TAdrockSaveGrid component when you need to save the Display Width, Display Position and Visible status of the fields in a DBGRID Object. The standard VCL components give your end users the ability to resize and move fields in a DBGRID Object, but the TAdrockSaveGrid component allows you to save these settings and to restore the settings again with only 1 line of code to save, and 1 line of code to restore.
CGRID3.ZIP TDBCrossGrid,TCGridReport components - Release 1.1 for DELPHI1-3 Is a native VCL Delphi component designed to display the results of a multi-dimension cross or categorization of data contained in a database.
LPTGRD.ZIP LPTGrd / LPTBGrd- DbGrid Print Component TLptGrd is a grid printer for InfoPower wwDBGrids. TLptBGrd is a grid printer for Borland DBGrids. It saves the developer a great deal of time by scaling the output to the target printing area. All layout parameters can be set at run time. Standard default settings permit a complete printout of the data with a single line of code. The component uses the text alignment settings of the source grid. Works with Borland and InfoPower 2.03 & 3.0 grids VCL-Components for Borland Delphi 1, 2 & 3 Version 1.0
SPREAD_1.ZIP TSpread Component (Delphi-3), Version 3.41 Is a descendant of TStringGrid. TSpread supports individual cell colors, formats and fonts. In addition, it supports in-cell bitmaps, combo boxes, check boxes, buttons, spin edits and cell arithmetic. Cell formulas can contain variable references to other cells in the spreadsheet. Source code is available see the help file included in the download for details.
SPREAD16.ZIP TSpread Component (Delphi-1), Version 3.41 Is a descendant of TStringGrid. TSpread supports individual cell colors, formats and fonts. In addition, it supports in-cell bitmaps, combo boxes, check boxes, buttons, spin edits and cell arithmetic. Cell formulas can contain variable references to other cells in the spreadsheet. Source code is available see the help file included in the download for details.
SPREAD32.ZIP TSpread Component (Delphi-2), Version 3.41 Is a descendant of TStringGrid. TSpread supports individual cell colors, formats and fonts. In addition, it supports in-cell bitmaps, combo boxes, check boxes, buttons, spin edits and cell arithmetic. Cell formulas can contain variable references to other cells in the spreadsheet. Source code is available see the help file included in the download for details.
VCGRID.ZIP True Component Grid 2.11 The component grid is the only grid of its kind. The Component enables you to parent VCL components, OCX/ActiveX controls in any cell on the grid. Any component you can place on a panel, groupbox, or form can be placed in the Component grid. You may even nest Component grids (i.e. place a Component Grid in the cell of a Component Grid.)

Delphi Listbox components

BIGTEXT.ZIP TBigText 1.1 This is a simple component to display up to 32767 lines of text. Each line has its own dedicated foreground and background color and can be 255 chars long. Theoretically this amounts to about 8MB of data and beats the TMemo's measly 32kB, however, no editing functions are available.
DBLLIST.ZIP Tdbllist component allows the end user to make a selection from one list to another list. Features: - Full Drag & Drop support between List. - Full Support of Enabling/Disabling Buttons. - Allow List Sorting. - Event before, during and after changes to list - Check Out and see the sample program (sample.Zip) for more. - Full interface descrition in DblLst.INT
ENHLB100.ZIP TMCEnhancedListBox v1.00 Multicolumn listbox for Delphi, uses labels to align the columns. Smart component editor included. Online registration through CompuServe SWREG.
EXTLISTV.ZIP TExtListView v2.00 A list view control that enables access to the new style types provieded by the updated list view control. The updated list view is provided in the COMCTL32.DLL file that comes with Microsoft's new internet software.
FILEVIEW.ZIP TFileView Is a TListView component which emulates the right hand side of explorer. It adds all the files in the selected directory with their proper icons.
LONGCOLL.ZIP TCollection32 for Borland Delphi Is a (non-visual) class. It is similar with TList, but it can hold more than 500,000,000 items. Each item is a pointer to some user-defined class type. TCollection32 works with TDStream, providing fast I/O operations. Also, there are methods like FirstThat, LastThat, ForEach where your application can provide a pointer to some action to be performed to all items or just some of them. You can validate collection and delete invalid items automatically, you can sort items.
MULTILST.ZIP The purpose of this component is to allow applications to easily inCorporate a Windows 95 type list box with sizeable headers into a 16-bit application.
RSLIST32.ZIP TrsListBox Component The TrsListBox is an enhanced version of the standard windows listbox. The new features include Autosizing TabStops, Auto Horizontal Scrolling, 2D or 3D checkboxes, multiple in-line glyphs, and multiple line styles.
RSLISTBX.ZIP TrsListBox Component The TrsListBox enhanced version of the standard windows listbox. The new features include Autosizing TabStops, Auto Horizontal Scrolling, 2D or 3D checkboxes, multiple in-line glyphs, and multiple line styles. Horizontal scrolling can be enabled by setting the HorzScrollbar property. TabStops can be enabled by setting the TabStops property, and can be set by modifying the TabList property. Checkboxes can be displayed or hidden by modifying the CheckStyle property. Multiple glyphs can be loaded into the Glyphs property.
RTCL.ZIP RtCheckList Component Ver. 1.15 CompuServe Information Manager, Microsoft Word, MSOffice Setup all have a very interesting control. Every time I see it I wish I could use it. In Word select Extras|Optionen|Kompatibilit�t (german Version - in english version look at Tools|Options|Compatibility) and you will see it. There is a listbox with checkboxes in it.
SLB.ZIP TSelectListBox v1.0 This component is a make-it-yourself type visual Query Builder. In fact it is just part of that. If you often need to make SQL queries or Filters on Tables which have many foreign keys and you must let your user to Select the values for this foreign key, then this component is right for you.
TCOLOURL.ZIP TColourListBox 1.01 This package contains a Delphi component named TColourListBox. It enables you to set a colour for each item within the list box.
TFRAME.ZIP TFrameList Component This component is a standard Windows Listbox with it's CreateParams overided. A frame and toolbar caption is created which allows a caption and sizing of the list box. Drop the control on a form and get the same effect as in MS Access 95 query designer.

Delphi printer components

PPV10.ZIP PowerPrinter v1.0 PowerPrinter is a 32bit DLL that gives you access to all printer settings by means of simple APIs. Moreover, developers are shielded from the differences between Windows 95 and Windows NT because PowerPrinter takes care of the Operating Systems differences. We also supply modules with ready made declarations and easy to use functions for PowerBuilder Version 5, VisualBasic 4 and Delphi 2 but it can be used with any development tool capable of calling external functions. Please refer to the Sample Applications for more information.
PRTSU3.ZIP CBSuite 7.0 Super form, report & print component suite For Delphi 2 & 3. Consists of five component modules CBPrint, CBReport, CBSort, CBGraph and CBBands. CBPrint prints multi-page forms or windows (invoices, jobcards, orders, etc.)straight from the screen. CBReport print reports. CBSort is a replacement for TDBGrid but with sort facilities built in and CBGraph is a Graphing package. CBBands prints banded reports up to any level of detail as well as RTF files and OCX's. Zoom/pan print previewer and report wizards included.
SDEFPRN.ZIP How to Set the Default Printer in Delphi

Delphi system components

BBSYSINF.ZIP TSYSINFO 2.0 Is a non visual component written for Delphi 2.0 that gets details about your computer. eg. Registered Organisation and Owner, etc..
CXCPU.ZIP cxCPU Component This is a wrapper component for a CPU detection code
DDEASY16.ZIP DDEAuto VCL for Delphi Have you been trying to demystify Program Manager DDE only to find little or no documentation on how to do the things you wanted to do? DDEAuto is the COMPLETE Program Manager DDE solution! DDEasy allows fast and easy control over the Windows Program Manager. Get a list of Groups, Get information on the items in each group. Move and item to another group, add, delete items and much more!
DDEAUT16.ZIP DDEAuto VCL for Delphi Have you been trying to demystify Program Manager DDE only to find little or no documentation on how to do the things you wanted to do? DDEAuto is the COMPLETE Program Manager DDE solution! Eight powerful functions and Two detailed procedures allow you to manipulate and get information from program manager you never dreamed possible. Get a list of groups, get a list of items in a group, move an item to a new group, change an item's properties, and much much more! Read this document, install the component, and run the example project. You will be amazed at the power DDEAuto gives you. DDEAuto saves you approximatly 700lines of detailed coding! Add an Item to Program Manger with ONE LINE OF CODE! Get an Item's Properties with ONE LINE OF CODE! Seem to simple? Seem to good to be true?
DDEAUT32.ZIP DDEAuto VCL for Delphi (32-bit) Have you been trying to demystify Program Manager DDE only to find little or no documentation on how to do the things you wanted to do? DDEAuto is the COMPLETE Program Manager DDE solution! DDEasy allows fast and easy control over the Windows Program Manager. Get a list of Groups, Get information on the items in each group. Move and item to another group, add, delete items and much more!
LPTCTRL.ZIP LpTCtrl 0.2 - Controlling the LPT port (I/O) directly This unit holds TlptCtrl, a class/component which is intended for reading/writing directly to an LPT port.
MATHREAD.ZIP TMaThread Version 1.0 A little non-visual component, to make Threading a little bit easier - I hope that someone else finds a use for this, If you do find it useful, then let me know, as I will then know if I should modify it in any way. If you can think of anything that this little component needs, or have found a bug, then please send me a note to my compuserve address above...
MIDICOM3.ZIP Delphi MIDI I/O Components Version 3.0 9 These components handle low-level MIDI input and output using the Windows multimedia MIDI functions. They encapsulate all the nasty low-level stuff into some intermediate-level components. They support both short MIDI messages (e.g. note on/off, program change) and long MIDI messages (e.g. system exclusive, sample dumps). The components work under Delphi 3. If you need to use Delphi 1 or 2 you should get the previous version 2.0b. They've been tested in Windows 95 and NT 4.
OLECTLR.ZIP Ole Automation Controller for Delphi 1.0
PORTS15.ZIP TPort Component Version 1.5 This component will read and write from the computers I/O ports.
SYSDEMO.ZIP TSysMenu Component demo program
SYSMENU.ZIP TSysMenu This VCL allows the user to easily add menu items to the system menu of their programs. In addition, upon selecting one of the added menu items, an event will be fired, passing a string containing the text of the menu item selected.
TASKMAN.ZIP TTaskman VCL for Delphi Makes creating professional quality Tasking applications quick and easy. Simply drop TaskMaster onto a form, specify a listbox, and call ONE simple method, and you have a list of tasks. TaskMaster will also Draw the Task Icon in the listbox/combobox if you want it to. Absolutely no extra programming! This component is a must for any serious system developer. Platforms: Delphi 1.x and 2.x
TASKMN32.ZIP TTaskman VCL for Delphi 2 demo Makes creating professional quality Tasking applications quick and easy. Simply drop TaskMaster onto a form, specify a listbox, and call ONE simple method, and you have a list of tasks. TaskMaster will also Draw the Task Icon in the listbox/combobox if you want it to. Absolutely no extra programming! This component is a must for any serious system developer.
TRAY10.ZIP K&J TRAY ICON (Native Delphi 2.0 VCL) Is a Delphi 2.0 component that allows you to place an icon in the Windows 95 Taskbar Tray. K&J Tray Icon supports up to five different icons, popup menus, all mouse events and even animation!
TRYICO13.ZIP TTrayIcon VCL. Version 1.3a Requires: Delphi 2.0 32 bit. Adds an icon to the Windows 95 Tool Tray and has events to respond to mouse clicks.
WINREG.ZIP TWinRegistry The TWinRegistry class is a wrapper around the Windows registry. The TRegistry class provided in Delphi 2.0 is totally undocumented, and is a little tricky to use. An alternative is the TRegIniFile class, which allows the developer to use the same commands as previously used with the TIniFile class, but with the data written to the registry instead of an INI file.
WORDVBA.ZIP A Simple Example demonstrating the creation of a Mail Merge Document in Microsoft Word 97. This is a simple example of how to pass an ODBC or BDE datasource to the Microsoft Word 97 MailMerge.OpenDataSource method.
XSYSINFO.ZIP XSysinfo This is a Delphi 2.0 component that informs you about various system propertys. For example the system path, the temp path, the processor and much more. Works under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

Various delphi components

AAWIZ.ZIP AaWiz Wizard Component (Trial Version) Version 1.11 Is a Delphi component that greatly simplifies the process of creating user interface wizards. You can develop and run your wizards from within the Delphi IDE, even without having to recompile your project. Aawiz is also extensible; much like you can extend Delphi with components, you can extend AaWiz with custom question components to provide you with any additional flexibility that you need.
ADDIAL32.ZIP TAdrockMessageDialog The TAdrockMessageDialog routines provide similar function to the standard Delphi routines ShowMessage and MessageDlg, but these routines provide a few extras. You can have a default button so that your dialogs can have a NO or a CANCEL or any button as a default.
ADGROUP.ZIP TAdrockGroupBox The TAdrockGroupBox Control provides you the enhancements that you wish the standard Delphi TGroupBox had. This component allows different background colours, Left, Right, and center justify the caption at the top or bottom of the component.
ADSEARCH.ZIP TAdrockSearchExpert The TAdrockSearchExpert is a utility designed to help you locate references of text in all of your .PAS files from the currently loaded project. Which pas file is it in??? (Why no global search (and replace) like VB Mr and Mrs Borland!). (It's about time Borland - you've done a nice job of this in Delphi 3) The TAdrockSearchExpert is a utility designed to help you locate references of text in all of your .PAS files from the currently loaded project. Ability to search all .PAS files in the current project for text strings, displays finds in a list box, (and previews the find in the source file), loads the file into Delphi, ready for a "goto" the current source line in the file (using the Delphi-Search Dialogue with search text loaded into the clipboard for you).
AHMD32.ZIP AHM Component Serie 1.0 for WIN'95 28 different components for Delphi 2.0
AUDIO.ZIP Audio Capture is a audio capturing component designed for Delphi 2.0. It uses Windows low level functions of audio capturing. This component implements the Windows low-level audio interface, which is used by applications that need the finest possible control over audio devices.
CARDS.ZIP TCards This VCL allows the user to easily use the cards supplied with Windows in the CARDS.DLL, and build games.
CENTREE.ZIP CenTree component for Delphi 1 & 2 CenTree guards 16-bit and 32-bit Delphi applications against unauthorised copying through a password which locks the application to one specific PC. (see older PCs) Only three simple actions implement CenTree - 1. Drop an instance of the CenTree component onto the main form; 2. Initialise the CenTree properties using the Delphi property editor; 3. Call the Execute method in the OnCreate handler of the main form;
COOL.ZIP A small VCR Objects to make your Delphi Projects look styled.
CT_DELPH.ZIP Component Toolbox 2.5 (Professional Edition demo) Is a series of 31 general purpose VBX controls. The following demo should give you a good idea of what the controls are capable of. The demo was written in Delphi and all controls in the demo have been tested and modified were necessary to ensure that they do work within this development environment. The actual package itself comes with source code for the demos in Visual Basic, dBase for Windows, and Delphi.
CYBINI.ZIP CYBINI The improved Delphi encapsulation of the Windows .INI file. CYBINI is a standard Delphi VCL Component that drops onto a form , like any other component does.. However, before releasing your software, you will remove the CYBINI component.
CYBPARNT.ZIP CybParentInfo This is a native delphi VCL that you can drop onto any form. It publishes only 2 properties - well they're actually pseudoproperties just to load property editors. The "About" property is self explanotory I'm sure
DATACOM.ZIP This vcl allows you to easily pass data between two applications running on the same computer without resorting to dde. Use it to share data, find out if another instance of your application is already running, or even to remotely control one application from another.
DC95V10.ZIP The TDCAppBar component creates a Windows 95 "AppBar" which can hook onto any edge of the screen, much like the Windows 95 TaskBar. The desired edge for the AppBar to be placed on is specified in its Orientation property, and its requested dimensions are specified by the BarWidth or BarHeight properties, depending on the edge to which the AppBar is attached.
DEL3EYES.ZIP TEyes component at Design Mode in Delphi 2 Is a native Delphi VCL-component that emulates (somewhat) X-Eyes. Finally, this great feature of some Operating Systems is now available for the world's greatest development environment: Delphi!
DELEYES.ZIP TEyes Component for Delphi is a native Delphi VCL-component that emulates (somewhat) X-Eyes. Finally, this great feature of some Operating Systems is now available for the world's greatest development environment: Delphi!
DI9701DF.ZIP Barcode component
DKWTOOLS.ZIP Nifty Components Some of my original components for Delphi 2.0 are now available for download. Why bother? Nifty tools include a proportionally sizing split panel, a flexible multi-layer, multi-axis graph, data aware auto-labelled edit fields, and form inheritance pre-dating Delphi 2.0 ... including multiple inheritance. The labelled edit field is a great example of some really odd workarounds. If you can make it simpler, I want to know how!
DRGDRP16.ZIP TDragDrop This VCL allows you to make any windowed VCL a drag and drop target. It also parses all dropped files into a convenient string list.
DTALK2.ZIP DTalk Speech enabling Components for Delphi Version 1.0 DTalk, for Delphi, is a set of Speech "enabling" components that implement the Microsoft Speech API. Speech applications written with the DTalk controls will work with any Speech API (SAPI) compliant speech recognition (SR) or text-to-speech (TTS) engine. The DTalk component set gives Delphi application developers a fast and easy way to implement speech in their applications. SAPI compliance insures compatibility with the largest selection of SR and TTS engine vendors.
DTALK3.ZIP DTalk v1.0 Speech enabling Components for Delphi 3 DTalk, for Delphi, is a set of Speech "enabling" components that implement the Microsoft Speech API. Speech applications written with the DTalk controls will work with any Speech API (SAPI) compliant speech recognition (SR) or text-to-speech (TTS) engine. The DTalk component set gives Delphi application developers a fast and easy way to implement speech in their applications. SAPI compliance insures compatibility with the largest selection of SR and TTS engine vendors.
DWAVEMIX.ZIP Delphi's WaveMix v1.1 - For Delphi 2.0 and 3.0 This package is a translation of the WaveMix DLL to Delphi. It allows multiple wave files to be played simultaneously until a maximum of 8 separate channels. There's no need of external DLL or INI files.
DYNARR2.ZIP TDynArray For Delphi 16/32 A dynamic array is an array that changes size at runtime, similar to a TStrings object. The TDynArray class is an object that will maintain a dynamic array in Delphi 1 or 2 for you. Anyone who has used a dynamic array in the past will appreciate using the new class.. and anyone too scared to try a dynamic array on their own can get over their anxiety.
EDSSPELL.ZIP EDSSpell Component 3.0 Allows Delphi developers to easily add Spell Checking Dialog to their Delphi applications. This new version includes an expanded feature set including support for TurboPower's powerful Orpheus components, TX Text-Control which ships with Borland's Visual Solutions Pack and is distributed by the European Software Connection, and the shareware RTF component WPTools by Julian Ziersch.
EVALD3.ZIP TEval Component (delphi3) Teval is an expression evaluator component which can be used to evaluate mathematical expressions at run time. An expression can contain subexpressions enclosed in parentheses, variable names or numbers.
EVALDEMO.ZIP TEval Component demo program with source
EXEBTN.ZIP EXE-Button Do you want to execute applications from your program very easy and have thereby the full control over commandline, workingpath and start-conditions of the program? Should the program-icon appear on the button? Do you want to terminate the program launched with the EXE-button? Should your program wait until another application is closed? Do you want to allow only one instance of an application ? Do you intend, to develop an application-launcher?
EXIM12U.ZIP EXIM ASCII Export/Import VCL Components v1.2 Contains the 16/32 bit Delphi VCL components TExport and TImport which make ridiculously easy the importing and exporting of formatted ASCII files.
EXPLORER.ZIP TShellTreeView Displays a hierarchial view of the user's Computer, such as that used in the Windows 95 Explorer.
EXPRESS.ZIP Express, Component for Fast Expression Evaluation This component allows you to call a function which evaluates an expression typed in by the user. This component allows you to call a function which evaluates an expression typed in by the user. The difference to usual expression evaluators is, that this one is custom designed for repeated evaluations of the same expression with different values for the variables involved, like when you want to do a Newton iteration for a given function, or want to draw phase plots for a certain sytem of ODEs, or just want to graph various functions.
EXTPAGE.ZIP Extended PageControl & TabControl v2.3 Enhanced components for Delphi 2, 3 and Borland C++Builder: Colored Tabs, Bit- maps, free Tab position, OwnerDraw mode, support for accelerator keys and more. ExtPageControl and ExtTabControl are enhancements of component TPageControl and TTabControl in Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and Borland C++Builder.
FABOUT.ZIP Microsoft Win95 style About Box I am constantly trying to ensure my apps have the "look and feel" of Microsoft. This is simply a Delphi 2.0 form I whipped up after copying the About-Box that comes with FREECELL (you know that game that comes with Win95...)
FFT.ZIP TFastFourier component Is a component representing the Fast Fourier Transformation for discrete quadratic approximation of periodic functions. The transformed spectrum can be cut - both low and high - and cleaned from error. The cut and noise-cleaned spectrum can then be inverted to reproduce the original, error-cleaned data.
FLOATBAR.ZIP FloatBar Unit This component creates floating bar like MSOFFICE. You can put into all the components like the panels. When you click into the component, you drag it where you want.
FXCARDSA.ZIP TFXCards Component The TFXCards component has been designed to be used in the development of card games. TFXCards is not just another card component -- TFXCards has built-in special effects that will give your games that "little something extra."
GPCLIP.ZIP gpClipboard Component The gpClipboard Component is designed to provide global text clipboard support to an application with a minimal amount of code. Typically, the component is placed on the application's main form where it can be easily tied to your edit menu and/or speedbar. Once the methods are set up with your menu, most editable text components on all your forms are clipboard enabled!
HSTR.ZIP HyperString v1.0 HyperString is a comprehensive library of well over 100 routines designed to energize the versatile new 32-bit long dynamic string type. Full source code is available.
IDE16.ZIP IDEOnly Unit, Version 1.0 Checks if The Delphi-IDE is loaded or not. Many developers have spent hours including methods in their components which check for Delphi, some of which we have discovered, are extremely ineffective. The IDEOnly unit is an effective technique for checking for the Delphi IDE in your component. It costs $15 and takes about 5 minutes to include in your component or dll.
IDE32.ZIP IDEOnly Unit 1.0 (32-bit) Many Delphi programmers are realizing the value of component development for their own applications, and additional revenue which can be realized by making these components available to other developers.
INIOUTSW.ZIP IniOut is a Component Property Manager for Delphi With it you can easily provide INI file and Registry support to your Delphi application with virtually no code and a very small runtime footprint. This package includes versions of IniOut supporting Delphi 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.
IWP_SW1.ZIP Indigo Software VCL Widget Pack Volume 1 The Indigo Software VCL Widget Pack Volume 1.0 contains the 14 Delphi VCL components along with their source code. The programmer is free to use these components royalty free in their own applications.
JUSTONE.ZIP JustOne v1.3 Purpose: JustOne is a component which makes it easy to limit the number of your application's instances to just one. If a second instance of your application starts, the first instance is brought to the front and given the focus (or restored if it was minimized to an icon). The second instance then halts.
KEYEDIT.ZIP KeyEdit v1.1 A freeware component for Delphi 2.0 and 3.0 This component it's a descendent of TCustomEdit. It has the same functionality of TEdit, but instead of filling the text property with the characters you type, it assigns to the text property the name of the last key you pressed. The name of the key depends on the language Windows is configured for.
LABDEBUG.ZIP TLABDEBUG - a debugging tool CReates a form and memo box that you can write debug messages to. You can also save the debug information, or print it.
LBAR_D_1.ZIP Borland Delphi 32 bit CT List Bar Demo
LOCKMAN.ZIP LockManager component for Delphi - Shareware version. The TLockManager component provides the following functionalities: - check for previous instances of the application; - configure the software to be used on a trial period (days, number of runs); - provide good protection against illegal copy of your software.
MAKEUP95.ZIP Make-Up 95, rel 1.0 (4th june, 96) When I moved from VB to Delphi 2.0 I got much more I expected -- I got an EXCELLENT tool compared with VB. Having used it some days I realized that everything is OK except some UI details of some components. Some of them didn't look like their 'brothers' in Win 95. So I upgraded them a little bit to look like REAL Windows 95 ones ;)
MENUEX.ZIP TChangeMenu Component: - With this component you can add bitmaps, icons, banners in - your menus. Just put the TSwitchMenu and add TChangeMenu. In - the MenuItem property you type the name of the menuitem and - in the MainMenu property, the name of the menu component. - After you modify different properties to customize the menuitem.
MNYTLKS.ZIP MoneyTalks for Delphi Version 2.0 (32 bit) 1. a function which converts currency values from $0.00 to $1,700,000,000.00 to a string describing the amount in words. Useful for applications that need to print cheques, bank authority forms, or other financial documents where the amount in words is required in addition to the amount in digits.
MSGDRP13.ZIP MessageDlg Replacement v1.3 for Delphi 1-3 Can be easily translated or customized. This unit implements a Replacement for Delphi's MessageDlg function, that uses a resource file instead of having the text hard-coded into the unit. This makes it very easy to translate the messages and use the MessageDlg functions within applications writen in languages other than English. Also, since source code is included, you can easily customize it to fit your particular needs.
NDCRED12.ZIP N&D Credits ver 1.2 Native Delphi VCL Allows you to have a "movie credits" style scrolling within Delphi! You can have your text just scroll up the screen normally - or have it shrink into the background for a "Star Wars Text" effect! The background supports graduated coloring (several different styles)! You can have bouncing polygons, rectangles, ellipses, pies, rounded rectangles or a shifting random effect! Also, it is resource friendly - it only uses one timer, no matter how many you place on a form! Great for about boxes or anywhere you want an eye-catching effect! Delphi 1.0 & 2.0 versions included! Includes demo application!
NFIPWR11.ZIP Nfi power component package beta version 1.1.199702 Components For delphi 2.0 Running windows '95 or nt4 only! An advanced component package that integrates Windows API, advanced design, visual effects and the logical components Borland neglected to provide. This Beta contains 21 components for testing purposes; the overall package currently consists of 45 working components and 35 more are in design. A total of 80 components altogether!
NNCOMP.ZIP TNeuralNetwork component Is a component representing a general feedforward neural network of an arbitrary size. The network can be taught using the back-propagation learning method. The component is also able to normalize and de-normalize the data from the internal representation, so the original data can be used instead of numbers between 0 and 1.
NVDCP004.ZIP Envy's Delphi Component Pack v0.04 A collection of three FREEWARE components for Borland's Delphi 2.0 with full source. Includes ListView with auto-sorting, CheckBox with read only and a About dialog box 95 style.
PRTSU1.ZIP CBSuite 6.3 Super component suite for Delphi 1 Consists of five separately sold packages bundled together at a great price. Now includes wizards for great-looking forms and reports, The packages are CBPrint, CBReport, CBSort, CBGraph and CBBands. CBPrint prints multi-page forms or windows (invoices, jobcards, orders, etc.) straight from the screen. CBReport print reports. CBSort is a replacement for TDBGrid but with sort facilities built in and CBGraph is a Graphing package. CBBands prints banded reports up to any level of detail as well as RTF files and OCX's. Includes support for printing 3rd Party components. Price US$150
PRTSU2.ZIP CBSuite 7.0 Super component suite for Delphi 2 Consists of five separately sold packages bundled together at a great price. Now includes wizards for great-looking forms and reports, The packages are CBPrint, CBReport, CBSort, CBGraph and CBBands. CBPrint prints multi-page forms or windows (invoices, jobcards, orders, etc.) straight from the screen. CBReport print reports. CBSort is a replacement for TDBGrid but with sort facilities built in and CBGraph is a Graphing package. CBBands prints banded reports up to any level of detail as well as RTF files and OCX's. Includes support for printing 3rd Party components. Price US$150
PZAZZDEM.ZIP PZazz!,For Delphi 16 & 32 Bit Version 2.3 (Evaluation) Contains seven components for Delphi: TPZLabel, TPZShaded, TPZBitmapButton, TPZSpeedButton, TPZBitmapButton, TPZListView and TPZTreeView.
REGLOC.ZIP Reglock components by gt technologies: treglock & tregkey are two components that allow any delphi programmer to easily add registration/purchase options to their programs. A must have for shareware marketing. Supports both 16bit and 32bit.
RGNAV.ZIP RGNavigator Is based on BI's Navigator but is not derived from it. It adds numerous features as standard, including exposing the Buttons array, True 3D look (unlike the flat look of BIs version), coloured glyphs on buttons, built in hint panel, improved glyphs, optional confirmations on all actions and Keyboard Menu.
ROLLBAR.ZIP TRollBar The TRollBar Component gives your forms a mini title bar with optional roll-up capabilities. Simply drop it on your form and run your program to have a fully functioning mini title bar, or set some of the properties to change the defaults. This control has been updated and has properties to allow you to control resizing at run-time, animated roll-up/down effects, and a property to determine the rolled up state.
ROMNUM.ZIP TRomanNum The TRomanNum component is a non-visual component that converts numbers into the Roman Numeral string equivalent.
RSDYNSLM.ZIP RsDynarray Classes For Delphi 16 / 32 The rsDynarray classes from RealSoft provide access to several types of "Resizable" Arrays. This feature is not a standard part of Object Pascal, and simulating a Dynamic Array can be tedious and cumbersome. The rsDynarray not only makes managing a resizable array simple, but it adds functionality not found in standard arrays such as sorting, saving to file, inserting, and more.
RSSHW32.ZIP TrsShareware Component Is a component designed to allow you to easily convert your Delphi project or custom component into a trial version for distribution. By dropping a TrsShareware onto your form, you have access to several powerful properties and methods. The type of shareware can be changed using the ShareType property. If you are using counterware or timerware, you'll also need to set the MaxCount or MaxDays property, respectively.
RSSHWARE.ZIP TrsShareware Component Is a component designed to allow you to easily convert your Delphi project or custom component into a trial version for distribution. By dropping a TrsShareware onto your form, you have access to several powerful properties and methods. The type of shareware can be changed using the ShareType property. If you are using counterware or timerware, you'll also need to set the MaxCount or MaxDays property, respectively.
RSTABS32.ZIP TrsTabset Component (32bit) The TrsTabset is a new tab component similar to a Win95 TabControl. These type of tabs were unavailable in Delphi 1, and cannot be positioned on bottom in Delphi 2. Tabs can be positioned either on bottom or top by changing the TabOrient property. To specify the names on the tabs, use the Tabs property.
RSTABSET.ZIP TrsTabset Component THe TrsTabset is a new tab component similar to a Win95 TabControl. These type of tabs were unavailable in Delphi 1, and cannot be positioned on bottom in Delphi 2. Tabs can be positioned either on bottom or top by changing the TabOrient property.
RTCG1.ZIP RT Controls contains seven Delphi components RTCheckGroup , RTCheckList, RTDbCopy, RTDbGenID, RTDbIniFile, RTSQLStatements, RTGauge
RTGA.ZIP RtGauge Component Ver. 1.02 This little component does what you have certainly seen - it shows a progress bar. There are two other progress bars which have been shipped with Delphi - TBiGauge and TGauge. To tell the truth it was based on TGauge. So if you ask yourself why doing another Gauge component, the answer is easy.
RTREG16.ZIP RT Registration Control 1.25 The RTRegCtl is a library unit (DCU for Delphi, otherwise DLL) containing functions to protect shareware and not only shareware programs against unauthorized use which lets authorize them with a unique registration key. It has the possibility to save the encrypted information about users somewhere in the system and a count and/or date lock in order to make an evaluation copy.
RTREG32.ZIP RT Registration Control 1.25 32-bit version The RTRegCtl is a library unit (DCU for Delphi, otherwise DLL) containing functions to protect shareware and not only shareware programs against unauthorized use which lets authorize them with a unique registration key. It has the possibility to save the encrypted information about users somewhere in the system and a count and/or date lock in order to make an evaluation copy.
SAMPLER.ZIP TWAVSampler component Is a Delphi 1 & 2 component that records and plays back wave audio using the MMSystem unit.
SCTV200F.ZIP TScrollableTreeView v2.00 for Delphi 2, Delphi 3 THis package may be used under Delphi 2/3, includes sources and has no restriction. It may be installed under Delphi 2 (with .DCU or .PAS file), under Delphi 3 (with .DPL package file). It includes one very simple example, but no User Manuals. It only add one property to standard TTreeView : AutoScroll.
SEMAPH_1.ZIP This unit exports the class TSemaphore, an encapsulation of the Win32 Semaphore object API. Security descriptors are not supported.
SETUP16T.ZIP XTools-Nails 1.50b for Delphi 1 XTools is a collection of components for Delphi. The components are native VCL components, directly written for Delphi. The components have no special focus, as other component collections. Instead they can be used in different szenarios and fill some gap on the component market. The package contains 36 components. xTools are delivered with a help-file and printed documentation. It's aviable in English and German Language.
SETUP32T.ZIP XTools-Nails 1.50b for Delphi 2 XTools is a collection of components for Delphi. The components are native VCL components, directly written for Delphi. The components have no special focus, as other component collections. Instead they can be used in different szenarios and fill some gap on the component market. The package contains 36 components. xTools are delivered with a help-file and printed documentation. It's aviable in English and German Language.
SHARWARE.ZIP TShareWare Component v2.1 Is a custom Delphi component that allows you to control usage of your Delphi programs by unregistered users. By dropping this component onto your project and adding a few lines of code, you can start distributing "crippled" versions of your programs, and hopefully receive many registrations. Shareware can be very profitable for you, and beneficial to customers who like to "try before they buy"!
SHOWICON.ZIP TShowIcon (VER 1.01) Is showing your active Program while the Window is minimized. The components support Delphi 2 and 3. They've been tested in Windows 95, NT 3.51, NT4.0.
SINGINST.ZIP TSingleInstance Prevent multiple instances of an application to run at the same time. Delphi 2/3.
SLR16.ZIP SLRegress Components 1.02 (16-bit) Many Delphi programmers are involved in the development of (database) systems for the gathering of experimental data. The majority of experimental activities have goals of producing models or formulas by which a response y can be predicted given the values of one (or more) controllable variables x[1],...,x[n]. Regression is an approach which uses least-squares approximation to extract from experimental data, the nature of the cause and effect relationship between x and y. Thus it assumes (1) that such a relationship exists, and (2) that the control variable(s) can be observed without error.
SLR32.ZIP SLRegress Components 1.01 for 32-Bit Delphi Many Delphi programmers are involved in the development of (database) systems for the gathering of experimental data. The majority of experimental activities have goals of producing models or formulas by which a response y can be predicted given the values of one (or more) controllable variables x[1],...,x[n]. Regression is an approach which uses least-squares approximation to extract from experimental data, the nature of the cause and effect relationship between x and y. Thus it assumes (1) that such a relationship exists, and (2) that the control variable(s) can be observed without error.
SOUNDEX.ZIP Delphi component TSoundex The Soundex component uses the Soundex algorithm to determine if two words sound similar. Useful in database applications where the operator may not know the exact spelling of a search string, for example a last name.
TARRAY.ZIP TArray Freeware Version 0.6
TEVAL16.ZIP TEval Component (16-bit) Is an expression evaluator that allows a mathematical expression to be evaluated at runtime. For example, the user can enter a formula such as 50000.00*.0765 as a string and TEval will evaluate it to 3825.00. Supports factorials, exponentiation, modulus and more in addition to the standard arithmetic operators. TEval also supports variable names in expressions.
TEVAL32.ZIP TEval Component (32-bit) Is an expression evaluator that allows a mathematical expression to be evaluated at runtime. For example, the user can enter a formula such as 50000.00*.0765 as a string and TEval will evaluate it to 3825.00. Supports factorials, exponentiation, modulus and more in addition to the standard arithmetic operators. TEval also supports variable names in expressions.
TIPOFDAY.ZIP TTipOfTheDay component For adding professional looking help tips to your application. Help Tips allow novice users to quickly get to grips with your application by reminding them of quick tips like keyboard combinations or efficient ways of performing common tasks. {This is the Citation which can be altered from the DotHLP Preferences screen, accessed from the Tools menu.}
TLED2.ZIP TLED & TLEDLabel Components The TLED component emulates the behaviour of a Light Emitting Diode electronic component, and can be dropped onto a form (or container component) to provide a visual on or off indication of any Boolean variable. Additionally, the LEDLabel control has a Caption property, which can be aligned to the right, left, above or below the LED indicator using the Alignment property. Different fonts can be applied using the Font property.
TNEURAL.ZIP TNeural Component, Version 1.21 Is a Delphi wrapper component for the NeuroShell 2 DLL Server. It allows NeuroShell 2 developers designing user interfaces to their neural network systems in 16 and 32-bit Delphi to execute their trained networks using the NeuroShell runtime DLL supplied with the NeuroShell Development System. Copyright � 1996, Applied Analytic Systems
TOKENIZE.ZIP TTokenize component for Delphi Provides the functionality of parsing large, null-terminated strings into descrete tokens delimited by an arbitrary set of user-defined characters. The Delimiter characters are not included in the tokens. Parsing is done incrementally, i.e., tokens are identified on the fly sequentially as needed (as opposed to performing a complete parse once before any tokens are accessed).
TPKENG11.ZIP Tpokerengine version 1.1 I wrote TPokerEngine because I wanted to write a poker type game, but I wanted to reuse the code to write in yet another poker game. Lo and behold.... instant component. So here's how to use it.
TPRJINFO.ZIP This is a collection of components, non-visual objects and inheritable forms that handle the startup processing of a typical application, e.g.: * Splashscreen * Help About screen with above information * License checking * Access to VersionInfo properties of .EXE file (if any) * Creation of the proper registry key for further use in an application * Simplified use of the Win32 registry through Variants
TSYMEN16.ZIP TSysMenu Component, 16 bit version (Delphi 1) With TSysMenu you can easily add, remove, check, disable or otherwise manipulate items on the system menu. No more tedious API code !
TSYMEN32.ZIP TSysMenu Component, 32 bit version (Delphi 2) With TSysMenu you can easily add, remove, check, disable or otherwise manipulate items on the system menu. No more tedious API code !
TVERB16.ZIP TVerb Component (16-bit, Delphi-1) Is a component that 'verbalizes' amounts. For example, the amount 100,456.89 would be converted to the string 'One hundred thousand four hundred fifty six dollars and eighty nine cents'. This is a very nice component if you need to create check writing applications such as payroll.
TVERB32.ZIP TVerb Component (32-bit, Delphi-2) Is a component that 'verbalizes' amounts. For example, the amount 100,456.89 would be converted to the string 'One hundred thousand four hundred fifty six dollars and eighty nine cents'. This is a very nice component if you need to create check writing applications such as payroll.
TVEVAL16.ZIP TVisEval Component (16-bit, Delphi-1) Is an enhanced eval component which allows you to give visual feedback during evaluation. It includes step, pause, resume and run to end modes. Provides a nice display of what the calculation engine is doing. Registered users get the full source code. Registration fee $ 40 gets you full source code, free technical support and automatic notification of new updates.
TVEVAL32.ZIP TVisEval Component (32-bit, Delphi-2) Is an enhanced eval component which allows you to give visual feedback during evaluation. It includes step, pause, resume and run to end modes. Provides a nice display of what the calculation engine is doing. Registered users get the full source code. Registration fee $ 40 gets you full source code, free technical support and automatic notification of new updates.
VALID.ZIP TValidator component for Delphi v1.0 TValidator takes all the troubles of software validation and lets you free the time for creative work. Shareware version is fully functional. Registered users will receive the source code and will be entitled for royalty free usage of TValidator. Includes help file which merges with Delphi help.
VALID32.ZIP TValidator component for Delphi 2 TValidator takes all the troubles of software validation and lets you free the time for creative work. Shareware version is fully functional. Registered users will receive the source code and will be entitled for royalty free usage of TValidator. Includes help file which merges with Delphi help.
VALIDD3.ZIP TValidator component for Delphi 3 TValidator takes all the troubles of software validation and lets you free the time for creative work. Shareware version is fully functional. Registered users will receive the source code and will be entitled for royalty free usage of TValidator. Includes help file which merges with Delphi help.
VECTOR.ZIP TVector component The Vector Unit for Borland Delphi exports the TVector component which is used to model vectors, i.e., the members of an N-dimensional, real vector space.
VERBD3.ZIP TVisEval Component (32-bit, Delphi-3) Is an enhanced eval component which allows you to give visual feedback during evaluation. It includes step, pause, resume and run to end modes. Provides a nice display of what the calculation engine is doing. Registered users get the full source code. Registration fee $ 40 gets you full source code, free technical support and automatic notification of new updates.
WEXECLIB.ZIP WEXECLIB Is a Delphi 32 bit VCL component to processing external commands with "Exec and Wait" behavior and piping methods to redirect output to your application. Free unit with Source.
WINC16.ZIP Business Calculator VCL Version 1.0
WINC32.ZIP Business Calculator VCL Version 1.0 (32-bit version)
XN300AT.ZIP XTools-Nails 1.50b for Delphi 3 XTools is a collection of components for Delphi. The components are native VCL components, directly written for Delphi. The components have no special focus, as other component collections. Instead they can be used in different szenarios and fill some gap on the component market. The package contains 36 components. xTools are delivered with a help-file and printed documentation. It's aviable in English and German Language.
XUPDOWN.ZIP xTool - Component Collection This is a Delphi 2.0 component that extends the TUpDown component from the Win95 palette. It adds the behaviour to drag the updown position of that control with the mouse. Now the user can easy use the mouse to set the position with a smart drag in the middle of the button.